Publications in English (selection)
What is spirituality? The challenges of a philosophical definition, in: SOPHIA(2024). PDF
Narrativity and Violence. Conceptual, Ethical and Methodological Challenges (together with Sabine Andresen and Christof Mandry), Berlin 2024. To be published in September. Publisher's preview
Defining Spirituality in Philosophy. On terminological legacy, the difficulty of a philosophical definition and the advantages of a definition based on “meaning” in the ordinary sense of the word, in: Sebastian Gäb, Doris Reisinger (eds.), Philosophie der Spiritualität / Philosophy of Spirituality, Basel/Berlin (October 2024).
Priests who Coerce their Pregnant Victims into Abortions: a Consequence of catholic Sexual Teaching? Paper at the International Conference "(Non-) Reproductive Matters: Global Perspectives on Religion, Gender and Procreation" June 13, 2024 in Tübingen. Programme​
Spiritual Abuse: Definition, Forms and Preconditions, in: Concilium 2023/4, 98-108. PDF
The strange simultaneity of topicality and invisibility of the abuse of nuns. How third party interests have been re-victimizing and silencing abused nuns over centuries and how we can do better. Paper at the Workshop „The Gendered Power System in the Catholic Church and its Impact on Women in Religious Communities“ University Regensburg, Jun 9th 2023. Report
Vatican's handling of Rupnik case shows church considers women unequal. National Catholic Reporter, Jan 24 2023 Online.
Telling, accusing, and being heard. Power dynamics at play in narratives of violence. Keynote at the Workshop "The Role of Narrativity in the Study of Violence", Goethe-University in Frankfurt/Main, Nov 4th 2022.
Invisibility and Vulnerability: The Institutional Roots of Clergy Sexual Abuse, Richard A. McCormick S.J. Lecture, at the launch of the project "Entangled Responsibility", at the invitation of Prof. Hille Haker, Loyola University Chicago, Sept 13 2022.
Reproductive Abuse in the Context of Clergy Sexual Abuse in the Catholic Church. Religions 2022, 13, 198. Online PDF
"There’s No Way You Can Have the Baby": Pregnancies and Reproductive Coercion in the Context of Clergy Sexual Abuse. Paper presented at the Symposium "Gender, Sex, and Power: Towards a History of Clergy Sex Abuse in the U.S. Catholic Church, Notre Dame IN, 28 Mar 2022. Program Video.
The Case of Rita Milla or Reproductive Abuse in the Context of CSA, Talk given at the Workshop #AdultsToo - Spiritual and Sexual Abuse of Adult Women within the Catholic Church, at the Center for Safeguarding Minors and Vulnerable Persons, Saint Paul University, Ottawa Canada, 4 Feb 2022.
Violence against Women in the Catholic Church, lecture given for the General Curia of the Dominican Friars, Rome 22 Nov 2021.
Blind Spots in the Fight Against Clerical Abuse. How addressing Spiritual and Reproductive Coercion Improves Our Understanding of Clerical Sexual Abuse. Keynote at the annual conference of SNAP, 10th Sep 2021.
Church abuse scandal: the quiet conscience. Online.
Maura O’Donohue: A voice that resonates. Online.
The hero of the first hour. Online.
Q & A with Doris Reisinger, theologian at the forefront of the #NunsToo movement, interview by Joyce Meyer for Global Sisters Report Apr 28, 2021. Full interview.
Making Sense of 2020. Christine Schenk Award Acceptance Speech, October 22, 2020, Video.
Abuse of power and sexual violence in the Church - what does theology have to do with it? (original title: Machtmissbrauch und sexuelle Gewalt in der Kirche - was hat die Theologie damit zu tun? In: Nicht ausweichen. Theologie angesichts der Missbrauchskrise, hg. v. Thomas Schärtl-Trendel und Matthias Remenyi, Pustet: Regensburg 2019, 52-60.) English Translation.
#NunsToo. Sexual abuse of nuns – facts and questions, Stimmen der Zeit 143 (2018), 374-384, English Translation PDF.
"Una su tre suore ha subito abusi. I vescovi sanno ma tacciono". Intervista per la Repubblica Domenica, 10 marzo 2024, pagina 15.
L’abuso riproduttivo nel contesto dell’abuso sessuale clericale nella Chiesa cattolica. Adista 27/02/2022, traduzione italiana a cura di Ludovica Eugenio. Online PDF
Abuso spirituale e vita religiosa, Conferenze tenuta per l’Unione delle Conferenze Europee dei e delle Superiori/e Maggiori (UCESM), 28 Aprile 2021. Testo completo.
​Przemoc duchowa po katolicku, interview with ToÅ›ka Szewczyk in „WIĘŹ” 2[692] 2023, 73-85. Online.
Przemoc duchowa w Kościele katolickim, translated by Andrzej Lipiński, Katowice 2023.